via Manzoni 9/A

Sulbiate (MB) Italy

Mon - Sat 10.00 - 18.00

Sunday closed


EX-NEW Contemporary Art Center
Ex-New space c/o ex Filanda di Sulbiate © Ex-New

EX-NEW, founded in 2017, is an international laboratory dedicated to the research and dialogue between different artistic disciplines and the diffusion of contemporary art. The singularity of the proposal is given by the integration between art and digital fabrication, in virtue of the collaboration with the adjacent makerspace. Ex-New promotes cultural and performing events, exhibitions, talks, educational projects and temporary studies.

is an international and innovative research center devoted to fostering interactions between different art disciplines and to the diffusion of contemporary art. The Center intends to raise awareness on contemporary art combining educational, didactic, productive and exhibition activities. It is designed to be lived and enjoyed by everyone and as such is based on participation, openness and sharing. It organizes and promotes cultural events, exhibitions, performances, talks, debates, courses, workshops, school programs, artistic residencies and temporary studios. At the base of our uniqueness is the combination of art and digital fabrication: the collaboration with the adjacent MakerSpace enables us to be and offer a laboratory-space apt to promoting interactions between artistic elements and the most innovative technologies.
Ex-New space © Cosimo Filippini
Ex-New space © Cosimo Filippini
Ex-New is a project that was born in parallel to Make in Progress, conceived and managed by Vénera Kastrati (Artistic Director) and Nicola Cereda (coordinator and PM), both co-founders of MakeinProgress itself.

Make in Progress is a social innovation project designed to give continuity to the program of the same name originated from an open call by Fondazione Cariplo and part of Distretto Culturale Evoluto MB, with the scientific coordination of the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano and

Make in Progress promotes “Fabbrica del saper fare”, project winner of the open call for the assignment and management of the Ex-Filanda, in which the Center for Contemporary Art plays a major role. In our view, the result of the presence and encounter of different multimedia and crafts realities within the same structure should give rise to a system of eclectic and multifaceted actions able to expand and deepen active participation and collective involvement around the themes of contemporary art.

Makerspace located next to Ex-New © Cosimo Filippini
Ex-New space c/o ex Filanda di Sulbiate © Ex-New
Through the direct interaction with artists, art experts and theorists, we aim to bring people closer to contemporary art by providing them the necessary tools to read, understand and appreciate its concepts, mechanisms and production processes.
Makerspace located next to Ex-New © Cosimo Filippini


We offer artists a place to do research, get involved with the local art community and experiment new productive possibilities through the use of the most innovative technologies.


Ex-New space © Cosimo Filippini
Together with our colleagues and experts from the adjacent MakerSpace, who will share their infrastructures and tools, we aim to introduce and promote in the territory an innovative proposal based on the combination of art and digital fabrication.