via Manzoni 9/A

Sulbiate (MB) Italy

Mon - Sat 10.00 - 18.00

Sunday closed


5 MAY 2018 / at 3:30pm

From Contemporary Music

to the memory of the nineteenth century


3:30 p.m.

Damiano Di Gangi Flute

Norma Regina Marazzi flute

Lucio Nanni Piano

Chamber music concert for two flutes and piano

“From Contemporary Music to the Nineteenth Century Memory”


Hector Berlioz


Trio from Oratory “L’Enfance du Christ” Op. 25 H. 130

Philippe Gaubert


Divertissement Grec

Jacques Ibert


Deux Interludes

Matteo Manzitti


“Avec les cygnes au col fin”

1st absolute execution 1st commission Mº Damiano Di Gangi

Avec les cygnes au col fin” is the title of the musical performance that the Trio Di Gangi-Marazzi-Nanni will perform in premiere and exclusively for Ex-New, Saturday 5th May 2018 at 3:30 pm. For his writing, the contemporary composer Matteo Manzitti was inspired by the sounds and historical-geographic context of French composers born between the beginning and end of the nineteenth century such as Berlioz, Gaubert and Ibert. “Avec les cygnes au col fin” is a quotation from “Les Fleurs”, a 1893 poem by Stéphane Étienne Mallarmé.

After successfully obtaining various musical diplomas, the members of the Trio Di Gangi-Marazzi-Nanni have attended various master classes and master-classes with authoritative masters of great fame. They have won national and international competitions and have been performing extensively for years, both as soloists and in different chamber ensembles, alongside an equally important teaching activity, teaching, among other things, flute, ensemble music, theoretical subjects and piano accompaniment at renowned music schools in Milan and its province. They have participated in various radio broadcasts, made many recordings and played for many cultural and concert associations and for various international organizations. They constantly participate in important festivals and musical festivals and regularly perform in famous Italian concert halls and theatres. They have toured Central America and Eastern Europe, participating in prestigious concert seasons and in various international conferences on musicological studies. During the many concerts held, they have always been highly appreciated, both by the public and by critics, for their interpretative and expressive qualities and for the timbral brilliance of their sound. Norma Regina Marazzi and Lucio Nanni are also part, as instrumentalists, of various orchestral formations conducted by Damiano Di Gangi, very active in the Italian music scene. They have published methods for transverse flute and collections of compositions for their instruments.

Matteo Manzitti composer of “Avec les cygnes au col fin“. Born in 1983. Composer, conductor and teacher. He studied composition at the Conservatory of Genoa with Carlo Galante, then moved to the conservatory in Milan where he finished his studies under the guidance of Fabio Vacchi, then followed by a Master’s degree on orchestration with Paolo Furlani in Florence, before moving to Lugano to attend the Advanced Master’s courses in Music Theory under the guidance of Nadir Vassena, where he also studied electronic music with Sylvane Sapir, theory of composition with Giovanni Verrando and analysis with Micheal Zink. He has participated in various Masterclasses with Peter Maxwell Davies, Yuri Kasparov, Azio Corghi, Franck Bedrossian. His music is published by Sconfinarte, one of the most important Italian publishing houses for contemporary music. Ema Records is releasing another album. He is the musical director of the Eutopia Ensemble and artistic director of “Le Strade del Suono”, a festival of contemporary music held in the Ligurian and Genoese territory.


